By Milton Carrera Maretti Com a economia brasileira em crescimento acelerado, essa questão começa a não mais preocupar os profissionais. Mas é justamente nestes períodos de "vacas gordas" que esta questão precisa ser considerada. CONSTANT CHANGE OR PROCESS DISCIPLINE?
By Daniel Druwe Araujo There is only one way to make changes effective and sustainable in a human organization: by solidly encoding the changes into its culture and into its processes. EFFECTIVENESS IN COMMUNICATION, EDUCATION & TRAINING
By Daniel Druwe Araujo Organizations and individuals today are saturated with communication, education and training. Nevertheless, we are confronted daily with situations indicating that the lack of communication, education and training keeps causing misbehavior, mistakes and low performance. MANAGING BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS
By Daniel Druwe Araujo In the last decades the science of business management has gained relevance and developed a wealth of instruments. Of special importance are techniques focusing on the analysis of facts and data to make management more objective, precise and reliable. A GESTÃO DE MUDANÇAS E A GESTÃO ESTRATÉGICA DAS ORGANIZAÇÕES
Por Milton Carrera Maretti e Daniel Druwe Araujo Muito tem se falado a respeito de gestão de mudanças e muito se tem feito a respeito mas, na verdade, a qualidade e eficácia dessa gestão têm deixado a desejar sendo, em muitos casos, a maior razão de falhas na implantação de grandes projetos. INTEGRATE TO CHANGE
By Daniel Druwe Araujo Even the best organizations complain about the effectiveness of the Communication, Learning and Performance Management processes. Four actions help achieve effectiveness and efficiency, especially when promoting difficult changes. |